Make an
impact today
Without diapers, babies cannot go to childcare or participate in early childhood education. Without much-needed childcare, many parents cannot go to work or school. This causes homes with more tension, less nurturing and possible abuse.
Donate today and help us end diaper need in Middle Tennessee.
Just $10 provides an emergency supply of diapers for 1 baby.
If you would prefer to mail a check instead of using the Donate credit card/PayPal form, please mail your check to: Nashville Diaper Connection, P.O. Box 159128, Nashville, TN 37215.

We need your help to leave "No Child Wet Behind."
Average income for a family of two at poverty threshold:
$1,437 per month
Average cost of diapers for one baby:
$93 per month
Families often have to choose between food and diapers.
Make a donation.
Do you want to donate your time instead? There are many ways to get involved. Help us by signing up to volunteer today!